If you are interested in joining the Ecological Data Science lab at USC, please read the mentoring philosophy/ lab expectations.
I seek motivated team members with a keen interest in ecology and strong quantitative/ modeling skills.
If you think we can be a good fit, please send Melissa:
A C.V.
A brief statement of which types of research questions you are interested in.
Undergrad and PhD students: Transcripts (unofficial is fine)
PhD Students: Prospective graduate students can apply to join the lab through the Ph.D. program in Marine and Environmental Biology (MEB).
Mentoring philosophy/
lab expectations
You are here to advance your career. Be self motivated, ambitious, curious, kind, and productive!.
You are here to challenge yourself and to learn new things. Learning is part of the process. Your goal is to become an expert.
Ask lots of questions and take intellectual risks.
Read here our full Mentorship philosophy